Monday, August 28, 2006

The Engineer (retired)

Did you ever just want to give someone a valium? That is Will. He gets so hyper over nothing. There will be two people in line, and he is running around like a maniac.
He also wants to know WHY.
"Why is the computer entry set up like this?... it doesn't make sense, it should be this way."
"Will, I don't know. I didn't write the program. You just have to do it the way it set up."

"Why does it take so long for the paperwork to come out of the printer?"
"I don't know Will, it just does."

If EVERYTHING is not spelled out in the correct order, it drives him crazy! and he thinks that everyone should do the same thing the same way... or he will ask WHY?

I bet he drove his parents crazy as a kid.

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